TONIGHT–Monday, 3/8, 7pm, Evergreen Fire at FHAPOA meeting. Join us tonight at 7pm for our virtual March Floyd Hill HOA meeting (email for login information), with a special presentation by Evergreen Fire about: Forecasted fire threat Tips for fire prevention   Opportunity for neighborhood broad scale grants, likely toContinue Reading

 Happy New Year FHAPOA Members!   We are sending you this notice of a FHAPOA zoom meeting we have scheduled for Monday, January 11, at 7pm.   We sent out a newsletter to all Floyd Hill residents  in mid November via USPS and are concerned that you will not get theContinue Reading

Membership Renewal As 2020 comes to an end, it is time to invite all of our new neighbors to join our community of property owners. Membership is $35/year and  comes with benefits that far outweigh the expense. Watch your mailbox, membership forms will be delivered in just a few weeks! Continue Reading

                                                                                                  To:       All Clear Creek County Employees     From:   Clear Creek County Office of Emergency Management RE:      Emergency Notifications and Preparedness   Date:   07/02/2012 Please share the following information with the people who report to you. In turn, ask that they share the information with members of their departments. ThereContinue Reading

  The Coronavirus has affected us all. Clear Creek County has many resources to assist us through this trying time. Each of these resources are available for those who need a little support or those who would like to volunteer.   COVID-19 Food, Housing, and Mental Health Resources    Continue Reading

Ideas on how to assist EFR. EFR is so thankful for all the generous offers and donations during the Elephant Butte Fire. We have been overwhelmed! We are suggesting instead of cookies, water and food, you can help us by helping yourself and your neighborhoods with the following three ideas:Continue Reading

Have you prepared a “GO” kit? ‪Looking for ways to help EFR firefighters in case there is another wildfire in our community? Get your “go” kit ready so when you receive an evacuation notice you are prepared. Here is a great resource:‬  Continue Reading

TEMPORARY STAGE 2 FIRE RESTRICTIONS. Clear Creek County has just instituted State 2 Fire Restrictions. These Temporary Fire Restrictions, dated and executed below, supersede all previous Fire Restrictions and Fire Bans. THESE TEMPORARY FIRE RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO ALL LANDS IN UNINCORPORATED CLEAR CREEK COUNTY FIRE RESTRICTIONS Pursuant to the AnnualContinue Reading

This is an invitation for the Floyd Hill Project Community/HOA Update Meeting to be held virtually on Thursday, July 16th, 2020, 5:30-6:30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the community an update on the project, discuss opportunities for intersection improvements as part of the project, and to collectContinue Reading

Colorado Forest Atlas The CO State Forest Service has launched a new website. The website is where CSFS ll host agency GIS applications moving forward.  All apps will be designed using the same format to ensure consistency and usability.  Currently, the CO-WRAP public viewer (now called the Wildfire Risk Viewer)Continue Reading